Glen Hanson
Glen Hanson is an internationally acclaimed designer, illustrator, writer, and art director. He has designed characters for animated shows Beetlejuice, Daria, Spy Groove, for Disney and SoapNet and Directed the animated video for Shiny Toy Guns “Ghost Town” for Universal Music.
His illustrations have appeared in a variety of publications around the world including Entertainment Weekly, L’Uomo Vogue, Variety, The New York Times, FHM and Maxim, the cover of BLINK 182’s “The Enema Strikes Back” cd, on packaging for BOD Body Spray, t-shirts, ads for Menswear designer Andrew Mackenzie, covers for Simon and Schuster’s ongoing hit “Goddess Girls” Book series and most recently, “Paper Doll” costumes for Lady Gaga’s “Art Rave” 2014 Tour. He currently lives in Los Angeles and is working on new stuff for you to read, watch, frame and wear!